Fresh Chicken Is Rigor Mortis
Yup, I said it...RIGOR MORTIS. Here is a few reasons why you may want to rethink that 'fresh' chicken request. Last year, when we were solely processing on the farm, we would have people say, 'I can't wait to get home & cook this!' We would warn them not to, but they'd do it anyway in excitement & then would comment that the meat was tougher than usual. If you are unfamiliar, rigor mortis is the process in which the joints & muscles stiffen a few hours after death & lasts for 1-4 days. While many associate this process with...
Forest Raised Pork
What makes our pork different? A question that's commonly asked and easy to answer. Our hogs are raised in natural woodlands from the time that they are 8 weeks old until they go to slaughter. This has many benefits for both the producer, the consumer & most importantly, the animal. Our hogs are a vital piece of our farm and our pasture & forest management practices. At Hidden Creek, we give our hogs the space to be the animals that God (or the Big Bang, whatever y'all believe in is find with us) created. With only two strands of wire & a solar powered...