Is My Meat & Milk Antibiotic Free?

One of the most frequently asked questions that we get both in our store and in our inbox is “is your meat antibiotic free?” While it’s a quick and easy, “yes” as a reply, it’s important to note that all meat and milk that you are purchasing anywhere in the United States is antibiotic free. Let me start by saying that never once have I treated my own children with oral antibiotics and have my opinions about the over prescribing and use of them in this country. With that being said, I have also never been in a life or...
No Meat Left Behind
blog chicken feet education liver offal organ meat

If you are a customer of ours, there’s a really great chance that you care about sustainability and ethical consumption when it comes to the food that you are choosing to put into your body and on your family’s plates. We put so much emphasis on this in our every day lives when it comes to single use plastics, paying attention to our water usage, recycling and composting. Our food waste shouldn’t be any different - which is why we originally started our Farm to Face line to utilize beef and pork fat for lotions, soaps, and balms. Through our...
Feeling sappy over the start of our fourth pastured poultry season...

Raising poultry for meat is almost as scary as raising kids. & if I’m being honest, at times it may be scarier. I like to compare raising birds to raising babies…it’s full panic for the first year, or in the case of chickens – eight weeks. Times seems to stretch out for weeks and weeks when, in reality, they only need us for such a short period of time. We coddle them, make sure that they’re at the right temperature, that they can snuggle into their bed of shavings & straw for a sweet slumber, keep them fed, dry and happy. We...
A Response to New Jersey Monthly - April Edition

If you follow us on Instagram @hiddencreekfarmnj, you may have seen the rant that I went on regarding the misinformation & irresponsible journalism that New Jersey Monthly printed and distributed to thousands of recipients. In their April issue ‘The Great Steaks of New Jersey,’ the claim, “we do not raise beef in our ocean-hugging state,’ was made in the cover story. As a young first generation female beef producer, I find this claim to be especially triggering. At a time when agriculture is being made into a hot topic across media channels, misinformation being presented to those who are...
Why Our Poultry Is Seasonal At Hidden Creek

More days than not, we have a customer step into our farm store looking for boneless chicken breast, whole chickens or ground chicken. It kills me each and every time that I have to tell them that we are out until May - knowing darn well that I could have made a sale. Typically when I say that we are out, I get a blank stare, sometimes a mouth hanging half open, and usually some follow up questions. If you are someone stepping into our store unknowing of how and why we raise our animals the way that we do,...