From hogs to hens, no one goes without grass around here.


Our hogs are raised in natural woodlands from the time that they are 8 weeks old until they go to slaughter. This has many benefits for both the producer, the consumer & most importantly, the animal. Our hogs are a vital piece of our farm and our pasture & forest management practices.

Hogs are omnivores, which means that to reach their full potential, they need more than just grain. By allowing our pigs to free range over an acre at a time of forest, they are able to scavenge for legumes, grubs, grasses, berries & all of the other yummy treats that they can find in the natural forestland environment. This saves on feed costs, utilizes space on the farm that is not able to be row cropped & creates a flavor profile that you truly can't understand until you try it for yourself.


Our baby chicks arrive to the farm when they are less than 24 hours old. While they spend the first 2-3 weeks of their lives in a greenhouse turned brooding house, they spend the remainder of their weeks on pasture.

As our chickens grow, they are protected in mobile coops that we call chicken tractors. Being moved daily, they are able to forage, scratch & peck in a clean environment while consuming a wide variety of native grasses, legumes & shrubs. This diverse salad bar gives our chickens a flavor palette that is unmatchable. While on pasture, they receive a non GMO blend of feed/supplementation to keep them healthy and happy.

When the chickens reach 10-12 weeks old, they are loaded up & hauled to Goffle Road Poultry in Wyckoff, NJ to be slaughtered & parceled. Goffle Road is a small family owned USDA inspected facility that we trust wholeheartedly with our birds. They allow for us to be able to produce a higher quantity of birds while ensuring quality. By taking to a processor, we are able to widen our offerings as well. While Goffle Rd. does the slaughtering, a butcher named Nello has become very near & near to our heart. He has created top selling ground chicken, turkey & sausage products for us that are unbeatable.


When we purchased our farm in 2019, we had very little infrastructure, as the farm did not previously house livestock. Without deep pockets to invest in permanent fencing or barns, we were forced to get creative in our approach to how we raise our cattle. With our regenerative applications to raising livestock & farming, our beef herds' primary diet is directly off of our land through rotational grazing methods.

Multispecied cover crops spread across our chemical free pasture fields & provide a nutrient dense diet to our herd. During our "green" months, our cattle are rotated to fresh pasture daily, giving back to our land more than they are taking from it.

As their time on the farm comes to an end & their trip to our USDA butcher approaches, our cattle are given a homemade "breakfast and supper" grain ration to finish. This gives our meat beautiful marbling and deep flavor profiles that keep our customers coming back for more.  

"As a consumer, you get to decide where your meat comes from. It can be raised, it can be produced or it can be synthesized."



We are dedicated & passionate about producing the most nutrient dense eggs that are better for both us & the planet. Our laying hens reside in mobile chicken tractors that are moved to fresh pasture each and every day, allowing them to scratch & forage in their natural environment while staying safe from the inevitable predators.

Our hens are supplemented with non-GMO feed that is sourced from the feed mill that we sell our own non-GMO corn to. We have multiple breeds & ages of chickens at Hidden Creek that allow for us to sell our 'rainbow' eggs by the dozen & by the flat in our farm store.