Hidden Creek Farm
1/8 Beef Share - 50% Deposit
Regular price
- 15 lbs. Ground Beef
- 5 lbs. Burger Patties
- 2 Roasts (bottom round, chuck, eye round, arm)
- 2 Chipped Steak
- 2 Beef Cubes/Stew Meat
- 1 Brisket
- 2 Rib Steaks
- 1 Hanger, Flank OR Skirt Steak
- 1 Boneless Sirloin Steaks
- 1 Chuck Steaks OR Ranch Steaks
- 1 T-Bone & 1 Porterhouse Steak OR 1 NY Strip & 2 Filet Mignon
- 1 Top Sirloin OR Sirloin Tip Steak
- 1 Short Ribs
- Soup Bones
- Shin Beef
$285 is due now and $285 is due at the time of pickup. You will be contacted when your share is ready for pickup here at the farm or in preparation to ship/deliver. Our current wait time is approximately 12-16 weeks for all beef shares.
Please note your steak preference of either T-Bone/Porterhouse OR NY Strip/Filet at checkout. A 50% deposit is required to reserve
Still, have questions? Do not hesitate to reach out. We can certainly help you choose your perfect package.